Sunday, June 29, 2008

Work team

Today the work team from Toowoomba arrived at Santo and will travel to Londua on Tuesday. Had a call from the electrician at Ranwadi tonight and they arrived from Vila a day late due to plane rescheduling. Most of the materials have arrived at Londua except for the guttering which had to be brought up from Vila. Hope there is food left in the school shop for them to purchase. It will be good to hear back from them in 2 weeks. I need to finalize the local work team dates. Conference has set the date for the CC meeting so we have to work around that. There is a lot of typing and teaching material that needs to be produced by the end of the year so it will be interesting to see how God brings this about. It is a very interesting and exciting time. Please pray for safety of the work team and the ministry that will be shared between cultures.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Where did the week go?

Had a great week with a few meeting to do with Construction Training Queensland and accreditation of high school teachers involved in Cert 1 and 2 in furniture. Amazing how God arranges for meetings that assist us with what is happening at Londua. We met with our "boss" on Thursday and it is good to be on the same wave length in nearly every item that was discussed. Still a mountain of work to do on the technical subject lessons for next year. Writing the teaching material for Construction, Mechanics, Agriculture and Tourism and Hospitality. If there is someone out there who has experience at this and has some time to help please give me a call. I need a draft copy of the lessons for teaching in class that cover all the modules up to Cert 4 for the above subjects. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I have most of the Construction ones done and am starting on the other 3. End of financial year is always a busy time and this year is no exception but it sure does make the time fly by. A boat load of materials turned up at Londua today ready for the work team arriving next week. Some items were out of stock but I am sure they will be kept busy. Pray for their safe trip and return and for the ministry of the team and to the team. God is great!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

A week already gone

The weekend is here and what have we done? Caught up with some work but not much for Londua. Next week is going to be different??? Need to see the Tafe blokes for some info. So better get back to it.

Slow down Christmas I need more time!

When we think back on our last visit it is amazing what was put into place. We do have a great God. Curriculum development is now high on our agenda to be ready for next year. There is assistance just around the corner and I am not ready for it yet but I know it will come. Please continue to pray for Londua Technical College staff, students, school council and the local Conference Executive as they work together.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A great trip

We are back in Oz for a holiday (work). Met with Vanuatu National Training Council about accreditation and registering Londua Technical College as a technical provider and had a very positive meeting. Met with Vanuatu Rural Development Training Centres Association and will have good assistance from them. Met with Teaching Services Commission and have received confirmation that some teachers salaries will be forthcoming. GREAT! Visited the Vanuatu Institute of Technology and met with teachers, one of whom did work experience with us last year. Very helpful visit. Had meetings with the Principal and Chairman of the School Council. Attended the official School Council meeting with the new representatives and it was a long and fruitful meeting. 10am till 10-30pm the first day and 8am till 6-30 pm the second. A very positive meeting with all members giving their input. This is the group that will move Londua Technical College into the 21st century. Their aim for 2009 is 200 technical students from year 9 to year 12. Subjects proposed will be Construction, Mechanics, Agriculture and Tourism/Hospitality. Next year is going to be a ripper. More soon!