Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Year End

We are back from our last visit to Londua for this year. Thank you all for the prayers for Londua. We have seen many answers to prayer and were fortunate to be at the College graduation of 45 students. Many of these students are now young adults going into the workforce and will be using the skills learned at Londua to find their place in society. We pray that they will take the love of God with them and follow Jesus their Saviour. Londua has a 30 second radio advertisement running for a couple of weeks. We hope this will let all students in Vanuatu and their parents know what is happening next year at Londua. There is a definite improvement in the college with a positive outlook for next year. The 2 Gap teachers will be on their way home by now. They have done a great job, sometimes under difficult circumstances. Most teachers will be having a break over Christmas with a few staying on to look after the college.