Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A big 2 weeks

Hello to all. Sorry for the delay in my next posting but life doesn't stop. We had a great trip to Londua this time. The ED of GMP and I spent 3 days in Santo at a CC meeting which was a very beneficial time for all. The 5 from Kingaroy and Lyn flew out on the Monday and met up with the Tassie group who were just starting their second week. Food was good, weather was good and the work was good. A few opportunities for ministry around the local churches and with the college students. The Tassie group will not be forgotten for a while. There was a few nights of rain which was good to put some water back into the tanks and also a few cool nights. The ED and Lyn and I were part of the College Council meeting which was ½ and 1 day. Good time of discussion and decisions. I found out just before the meeting that 4 of the teachers are now on the Government payroll. Halleluiah! That was a welcome answer to prayer. So many little miracles happen each visit and I am so thankful. The new class room is ready for use. Here are some pictures. Thanks to the Tassie team and the Kingaroy group for a great effort.

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