Friday, June 19, 2009

Londua Dental Week

Last week was Londua Dental week. Every student had a checkup, clean and attended a lecture on Dental Health for Life. In total 97 students had a check and clean. 19 staff and family had checkups and a few teeth pulled. Nduindui hospital had an influx of patients on Wdnesday and Thursday with some teeth removed that had been causing trouble for years. Under the careful hands of our experienced dentist many teeth have left home never to return again! Our solar charged battery with inverter lasted the distance with the untrasonic cleaner, battery powered water pump for cooling, 12 volt airbed pump sucking through a dried milk tin with a 6mm plastic tube connected to throw away spit suckers worked a treat. For all of the students who may read this on the new internet connection " sugar + bacteria = acid = decay " and remember to brush every day after breakfast and before bed. The new VSAT dish went up last week and Londua now has 24 hour internet connection. A few minor adjustments on the next trip will get the speed up and look out world! The 10 Eee Pc's are being put to good use most nights with both staff and students on a steep learning curve. Our good friends from Sydney are sending more computer equipment for our next trip in July and there will soon be wireless connection for the community and staff. The gardens are looking great and the first fruits are being picked. Water is short and in the next 6 months we hope to have this yearly problem solved forever.

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